Monday, March 9, 2009

In my stance I'm clearly against euthanasia, because the way I see is what dignity do they have? To me, I think its like abortion. Why slough someones life away? It's no use. For example, if someone were to be in a coma, they can't speak for themselves. What if they still wanted to live even if the coma didn't last long. It is like murder. But an exception ould be like in the article of an Italian father being accused of murder. It states that "it was his daughter's wish." If they tell you they don't want to live anymore then obviously they don't want to. But if your the one making the decision for them, don't "kill" them. I can relate to this, not personally but my friend Denisse has experienced this with one of her friends named Dave. She got a phone call from her Dave's parents saying he was in a car accident and was in the hospital on life support. Dave reluctanly dying made a phone call to Denisse telling her about his parents pulling the plug. They didn't know that was going to be the last time they would talk. Dave was pronounced dead the next morning. After the funeral Dave's parents with pantomime expressions were given pugnacious looks since they decided to "kill" Dave. While Denisse keeps droning to herself softly "what kind of parents would let go of their son's life?"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Mercy" Killing?

1a. From George's perspective, I think that in a way he did have a reason to kill him because, maybe he didn't want to see Lennie struggle any longer. Maybe he thought to himself "What would happen if Curley got a hold of him first? How badly would he have treated him?" I also would of thought that it's better for himto rest in peace than to stay alive and be treated way worse.

1b. I personally don't think what George did to Lennie was the best thing to do. He could've decided to go with with Lennie's idea of running away. They can go find another job and George could've atleast try and teach Lennie what's right and the more he learns maybe he won't forget.

2a. Recently in Italy a father was investigated for his daughter's"murder." Docters were told " allow his daughter's feeding tubes to be removed, saying that was her wish." In my response I think if that's what his daughter wanted or if that would make her happy then he should've done it. What more could a dad want then to make his child happy?

2b. To illustrate "...saying that was her wish," I would think that was most likely the best thing to do to her. The qute says that "it was her wish" to get her feeding tubes removed.